Sunday, April 10, 2005

Carlos Sanchez Vessel – Intricate Arcs and Superb Craftsmanship

On our recent "ArTrip" to San Juan de Oriente, we noticed the work of another of the Sanchez brothers – Carlos. Carlos’ work is exquisite, and we snapped up one of his pots to add to our collection. It rivals his brother’s Juan’s work and is perhaps even more intricately designed and meticulously rendered. The surface design is an intense pattern of incised lines about 1/8 inch apart, which mimic the round graceful profile of the vessel itself. Several pots were set out on the concrete edge of the family well, with the afternoon sun setting the speckled brown and ivory background colors aglow. The intricate and delicate incisions became a mass of welling and dipping patterns with the sunbeams creating shadows and brilliance.

Of a set of three matching vessels of varying heights, we purchased the smallest, about 20 inches tall, swelling from a base of four inches in diameter to eight inches at its widest point to a narrow tapering neck of 1.5 inches in diameter. This is prize winning material!

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